Blue/White Scrimmage: What’s Real?

2 responses to “Blue/White Scrimmage: What’s Real?”

  1. Love your takes on Dante. I attended the scrimmage and Dante was one of the biggest surprises for me (Leon being another big surprise). There were definitely moments where I wasn’t quite sure what I had seen because Dante was so quick. Another observation on the Dante-on-Reece moments – Reece racked up 3 or 4 fouls and almost all of them were instances where Reece fouled Dante. 1 or 2 of the fouls looked like frustration/this dude keeps getting around me type fouls.

    I wouldn’t want to see a ton of this but am a little giddy thinking about the potential for nightmarish defensive lineups with Dante, Reece, Leon, and Ryan.

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    • If Reece is struggling to stay in front of him – there aren’t many who will. As an aside, I was told by a player last year that in practices Harris was the quickest player they’d ever been on the court with.


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